Photo shoot with Aerynn and Jane Doe latex

エリンちゃんが撮影してくれた写真をアップするよ♪ このジェーンドォーラテックスを着てモデルするのはとても楽しかったの~♥ もっとラテックスを着る写真をすると思うので楽しみ~。みなさんの意見を聞かせてね。
それと、エリンのブログDoll Princess Roomをチェクしてね!日本語もうまい!

Thanks to Erin for the photography/styling/make up and editting! Here are some photos to start off my portfolio. I had a lot of fun modelling this out fit, and will hopefully be doing more shoots with latex. Let me know what you think! :]
Also check out Erin's fashion blog Doll Princess Room



  1. HOLY SHIT!!
    Mayu you look brilliant! I absolutely think you look amazing in the first two pictures. The last two are great as you have the sharp contrast with the red items.
    I love how innocent you look in the first two and how that slowly changes to sultry. Ah your friend does brilliant photography! Do more photoshoots! :D xxxxx

  2. thank you my love! My friend just suggested I send the last photo to bizarre magazine so I think I will do that!
    Yeah I have a few more photo shoots coming up which i'm very excited about!

  3. That's brilliant!!! Ah that will be so wicked if they put the picture in the magazine :D xxxxxx

  4. <33 You look so great! I especially like the last picture (^_^) This outfit must have been hard to wear though, eh? XD

  5. You look so hot *O*!!
    Really beautiful♥

    You have a really interesting blog! >_<


  6. aw thank you <3
    and yes it was very difficult to get on! had to talc powder it up before..xD

  7. nice pictures :D greetz from germany :)

  8. so good! i hope you go far in your modelling career :D

  9. thank you! :)
    I have now joined ultra vixens in order to enter the competition of becoming the cover girl for Bizarre.
    Please check out:

  10. Wow, a cover girl! That would be pretty sweet.
    I wanna help you win the competition but I don't know how lol I clicked the link, and I think I can promote you on facebook... but how exactly does one win that competition? Do I vote?

  11. yeah you get to vote if I get entered in the monthly ones I think, I'm still a bit confused with it but I'll let you know if I get entered. Thanks for your support ^^


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