Happy New Year

I haven't posted on here for so long...
where has this year gone?

I've had a really bad end to the year, so this year I want to start new.

Oh and I also don't have a phone anymore....but I will be getting one soon.

I'm sorry that I haven't posted on here much but thanks for still following/checking out my blog <3
I really wanna give blogging another go. I want to stop being a lazy unmotivated ass and do something to record the events in my life. I want a whole new layout and banner. Can anyone help me? Anyone good at photoshop? Help will be much appreciated.

I've just got back from Paris and there is still a LOAD of photos I need to upload from my SLR and I will be doing that very soon.
I went to see lots of places today but one thing I want to note is that I went into Notre Dame Paris, admired the beautiful art of stained glass windows and statues, lit a candle, sat down and prayed. Yes for the first time in years I actually sat down and prayed. (I used to be a religious Christian, but after years of bullying at a Catholic School I lost my faith completely). It actually felt good to sit down, close my eyes and take a moment to re-connect with my roots again. This is really surprising coming from me, someone who has lost faith in a lot of things haha!

I'll be back soon with a lot more updates soon I promise.

Hope everyone had a better Christmas and New Years than me!





  1. lovely purika picture! :D

    followed you xoxo

  2. Funny how the Holidays and religious periods can make people find their inner selfs.
    no critics of you ofc~~ and I am aware of it myself as well. I get very "solemn" in the christmas time if you can use that term XD

    waiting for the paris photos then =3 not been in Paris for so many years now, Im sure i will become nostalgic :)

    Take care.


    1. haha yeah it was just calming I guesss to be in a church.

      I will post pictures now but I realised I still have so many from japan xD


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